Overseas Travel

Nordic Countries

A Lazy Day to Point Stuart

We didn’t need to check out of our Darwin hotel until 1100 and seeing that we only had a drive of about 150 km to Point Stuart Lodge, we took it easy and didn’’t leave Darwin until almost midday. We followed the Arnhem Highway toward Kakadu, passing by many kilometres of mango farms. Eventually, the […]

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South America

Moving Inland to Burra

Over the last couple of days, we have explored most of the flat agricultural area of the Yorke Peninsula. Today, we moved through some more undulating country which is more focused on grazing rather than grain cropping. In a previous post I mentioned that most of the land on the peninsula is used for growing […]

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New Zealand

It’s A Good Day In Queenstown

This is my last full day in Queenstown and it is a lovely day. I am almost recovered from my experience with Covid – just a little bit of a stuffy nose, but I feel like I am pretty much back to normal. There is little wind and the sky is blue. I caught the […]

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My Return to Queenstown

The Heritage Adventurer returned to the Port of Bluff at a quick pace to get there before forecast gale force winds. We docked on the high tide at around midnight andI have to say that it was much easier to sleep at a calm mooring rather than on the rough sea earlier in the night. […]

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Campbell Island and Final Days of this Trip to the Sub Antarctic Islands

It’s a long between places in this area of the ocean. To reach Macquarie Island from the Auckland islands, it took a day and a night of sailing. It took a similar period to get from Macquarie Island (my last post) to Campbell island. It is now taking us in another 36 hours to return […]

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Macquarie Island

Over the last few days, we have been at Macquarie Island, deep in the Southern Ocean . On the island is an Antarctic research station and Australian weather station, Of all things, there is a Telstra mobile phone tower. Because of Covid regulations, we were not allied to visit the base but we had plenty […]

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A Visit to the Auckland Islsnds

We have spent the last two days on the second of the Sub-Antarctic Islands on this trip – Auckland Islands. We are at around 50 degrees south – a much higher level of latitude than Antarctica but still s long way south. Our first stop at these islands was Enderbee Island, the subject of my […]

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Antarctica Every Day Life

My First Day in the Sub Antarctic Islands

We cleared immigration and sailed last night from the Port of Bluff on the Heritage Adventurer. Strong south westerly winds created large seas and the ship rocked and rolled all night By midday today they had mellowed and are now quite flat. For me, w we see alking is a bit like having Parkinson’s – […]

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Exploring Around Queenstown.

After Yesterday’s wet weather, today was fine, and a t times, even sunny. Having rented a car I was able to drive over the rather spectacular Crown Range to Wānaka with my friend Michael. We stopped in many places to take photographs or just to appreciate the local scenery. For a distance where the road […]

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My Sub-Antarctic Islands Odyssey

Today I am starting a new adventure – one that takes in a number of sub-Antarctic Islands in the Southern Ocean. I will board a ship that departs from the port of Bluff at the southernmost point in New Zealand on a tour that will take 12 days to visit some remarkably scenic places that […]

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We’re Glad to be Back Home

It was an arduous and long trip home from Singapore yesterday and we are very happy to be back in our own home again. Jill was discharged from the Ng Teng Fong Hospital in Singapore on Saturday, after we started planning a week ago for her to be ready to come home. She had her […]

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Preparing to Get Home and Seeing More of Singapore

It’s raining again this morning so I’m staying in my hotel room catching up with some emails and the events of the last few days. (Same scenery from my hotel window  in this photo, but a different atmosphere). This afternoon, as usual, I’ll catch a taxii to the hospital and spend the afternoon with Jill. […]

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