West Australia

West Australia

Our Last Few Days in Perth

We returned home last night on a Qantas flight that arrived into Melbourne at around midnight. Other than Jill’s mobility scooter being taken to the baggage carousel rather than being delivered to the door of the plane, everything went well with this flight. We were exceptionally pleased by the service and friendliness of the Qantas […]

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West Australia

Our Activities with our Family in Perth

We have been busy over the weekend doing a number of things with our family in Perth. Saturday saw us going into the Perth Hills to visit a Cidery and enjoy a nice lunch at Core Cider’s Bistro. We had arranged to meet everyone there but we overestimated the amount of travel time that we […]

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West Australia

We’re Visiting our Family in Perth

We arrived in Perth on a late night flight last Wednesday (April 3).  On the last occasion that we were here it was just after Covid and the airlines and travel businesses were in disarray with a severe shortage of people. It took around three hours for our baggage to arrive after that flight landed. […]

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Family West Australia

Goodbye to Perth

Over the last four days, we have had lots of fun exploring some more of Perth and spending time with our grandsons. I had offered to cook fish for lunch for the family on Good Friday, and if I say so myself, we had a nice meal of Barramundi in lemon cream sauce.. It was […]

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West Australia

Looking Around Perth and Time With Our Family

The weather in Perth is balmy and sunny. We are enjoying a few days of mid 20 Degree Celsius temperatures. After two days of being here, we haven’t yet seen Yuki, our Japanese daughter-in-law. Apparently, she just can’t be interrupted while she is working. Japanese women rarely make it to senior organisational roles, so dedication […]

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West Australia

We are Finally Visiting Perth

We have finally travelled to Perth, Western Australia to visit our family and grandchildren. The state has been completely closed until recently because of Covid-19 and has just recently reopened. Our flight across the breadth of the country was very frustrating. With a combination of more people starting to travel, along with Easter coming on, […]

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West Australia

A Stop in Perth on Our Way To London

We are on our way to London for a visit to Wales and the old Anglo Saxons counties of Norfolk and Suffolk.  For the last few days we’ve had a stop en route in Perth to visit David, Yuki and the boys. The weather here has given us sunny days but very cool nights. The […]

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West Australia

Back to the West (Again)

We travelled over to Perth on Wednesday for a family visit and a weekend with our grandchildren. First, we planned to spend a few days around Busselton in the south west of Western Australia. Our departure was delayed for three hours due to the late arrival of our aircraft from Sydney. Sydney was experiencing  a […]

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West Australia

Albany Seascapes

I had some free time while I attending the 85 Transport Platon Reunion in Albany last week so I was able to visit a few of the local picturesque beaches and bays. Thanks to Trish Routley for her company. These are some of the images I created at these spectacular places Sunset at The Gap, Albany Albany and […]

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Family West Australia

Catching Up With The Perth Branch of the Family

We’ve just come back from a visit to Perth to see David, Yuki and Orin. We missed seeing them at Christmas because David and Yuki had been back to Melbourne (over east) on a couple of trips for weddings and birthdays late last year. Orin has just had his second birthday, so we thought that […]

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West Australia

Surf’s Up Again

The surf was up again at Margaret River and the Surf Carnival is back in process. The semi finals were being conducted near Surfers Point and the locals were out at the other beaches  along the coast. This area has powerful and challenging waves for experienced surfers and is regarded as a world class surfing […]

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West Australia

Margaret River

We’re in Margaret River, a town in SW Western Australia and on our way to see David Yuki and little Orin in Perth over next weekend. This town began its life around 1831 as a timber town. It is now famous for its wineries and gourmet food establishments. It’s a bit of ‘hippy’ town with […]

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