Month: May 2024

Every Day Life

Walking Around Melbourne’s World Famous Street Art Lanes and Alleyways

Melbourne is renowned for its vibrant street art scene, particularly in its laneways and arcades. These laneways are not just pedestrian thoroughfares but have become canvases for local and international artists, making the city a dynamic open-air gallery. I spent today with other members of my Probus Club exploring these interesting laneways. We generally followed […]

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Every Day Life

An Autumn Day Out

I always  think that Autumn is the nicest time of year in Melbourne and today was a prime example. We  had a balmy sunny day with no wind and blue skies. The temperature was a mild 20C. These Autumn days get cool once the sun goes down and the nights are quite cool but this […]

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Every Day Life

Events of the Last Few Weeks

My last few weeks have been busy wih activities that, on their own aren’t significant, although they have had an impact on me. Liberation of Villers Brettoneux Memorial Service Some years ago, along with my good friend Ken, I joined a commemorative organisation called ‘The Friends of the 15th Brigade’. This was the Brigade in […]

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