Here’s a New Business Opportunity for Qantas

Qantas boss Alan Joyce has just unleashed on Western Australia, accusing the state of acting like North Korea by keeping its borders closed.

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Mr Joyce said Australians should be “enraged” that they could travel to London but not Perth.

“There isn’t even a plan for when WA will open up – it’s starting to look like North Korea. It’s gonna (sic) be closed indefinitely at this stage,” Mr Joyce said.

The Qantas boss is furious that WA backflipped on its plans to reopen on February 5. “We’re supposed to all be Australians, but you can’t even travel around your own country,”Mr Joyce said. “We can travel to London but we can’t travel to Perth”,

Like all other Australian states agreed, WA was preparing to open its borders once 80 per cent of the state’s residents had been fully vaccinated. Mr McGowan increased this to 90% – not for medical reasons but political ones. The plan was to welcome visitors from this Saturday. But Premier Mark McGowan reneged on this agreement, saying the planned opening date would have been “reckless and irresponsible” given the spread of the Omicron variant of coronavirus. He is loved by Western Australians but treated with derision by other Australians for his severe exclusion of other Australian citizens and hiss trigger happy approach to closing Western Australia’s borders at the drop of a hat.

So, here’s a great business opportunity for Mr Joyce and Qantas.

Just like people travel to the DMZ in Korea to peer into the mystical territory of North Korea and wonder at its lifestyle, why doesn’t Mr Joyce offer flights over the Hermit Kingdom of Western Australia – in the same way that they offer flights over Antarctica. We could have a lovey meal during the flight over, listen to a jazz band, drink champagne and then rotate seats as the plane does some  low circles over Perth and along the coast before it returns back to the East.

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Qantas have the aircraft to offer these long distance flights. They wouldn’t dare land as everyone on board would have to be instantly imprisoned into compulsory isolation but passengers could gaze down onto the Hermit Kingdom and get a glimpse of what life is like there.

What would people see? Who knows because no one is allowed to go.

We read media reports of police intruding on a church service in Geraldton to ensure that mask wearing mandates are being followed. We have news of business executives relocating to other states because they realise that they can’t run a national business from a location that is isolated to the world. Other reports tell of how draconian isolation policies are leaving mines and schools with insufficient numbers of people to operate effectively. We even read that the people who were hoping that Covid would simply go away are now resorting to some sort of self isolation, fearing for the worst. Families claim to be deprived of being able to be united with other family members outside WA, even those who are WA residents. The rest of Australia moved on from conditions like these months ago. 

But, are these reports true? We will only know if can go and have a look.

I’m sure that Qantas could make a a good business out of this type of flight for the curious. The Hermit Kingdom of WA provides a wonderful business opportunity for the airline. Mr Joyce – go for it!

3 thoughts on “Here’s a New Business Opportunity for Qantas

  1. How low would the planes fly? Maybe if low enough, the family would be able to wave as you fly over and you could see the grandsons. I wonder if freight planes are allowed to land with supplies that can’t get through as a result of Mother Nature adding her voice to closed borders.

  2. I understand that there is a totally serious undertone to your musings Bruce, but I did have a good laugh at the funny side. Well said. Not being able to be with your WA family for so long when we are supposed to be in one Australia, is now personally detrimental on many parameters.Fingers crossed for a date for WA opening its borders to fellow Australians very soon.

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